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Lorraine’s Story
It’s common for people to face challenges when re-entering the workforce, especially after a long break from employment. A great idea to build confidence is to re-train and upskill. Lorraine did just that. Lorraine’s determination to go back to study and achieve certificates in accounting, bookkeeping, and business administration is truly commendable. However, after obtaining her new qualifications and despite her persistent efforts in applying for numerous job positions, Lorraine did not achieve the success she was hoping for.
Forrest Personnel recognised the need for Lorraine to improve her interview skills and upgrade her resume. With just 3 or 4 tailored training sessions aimed at boosting her self-assurance, Lorraine became well-prepared to re-enter the job market. And, after attending an interview at Broadwater Fencing & Powdercoaters Busselton, Busselton, Lorraine was offered the position of Administrative Officer.
Lorraine’s willingness to learn and develop new skills, along with her perseverance has enabled her to achieve meaningful employment. Congratulations to Lorraine on her successful journey!
The willingness of Broadwater Fencing & Powdercoaters to understand Lorraine’s background and provide her with an opportunity also highlights the importance of compassionate employers.

Michelle’s Story
Meet Michelle, a participant of Forrest Personnel, Bunbury, who has worked at Tronox for over 20 years. Michelle’s journey at Tronox, started with a work experience opportunity helping in the office. During this time Michelle’s duties included shredding paperwork and tidying the office. Forrest Personnel staff supported Michelle by providing on the job support and training until she was capable of completing tasks independently. Michelle’s commitment to her work, led to more responsibilities, and her handling laundry duties too. Today Michelle still helps out with tidying the office and is responsible for washing and drying the sandbags and cleaning the trays.
Michelle has really enjoyed her employment journey with Tronox and takes great pride in her work. The collaboration between Forrest Personnel and Tronox ensures that Michelle can maintain her well-suited, sustainable, and meaningful employment.

Heather’s Story
Heather discovered that creating mosaic art provided her with a soothing and effective way to manage her ADHD and anxiety. Recognising her deep passion for crafting mosaics, Forrest Personnel were able to assist Heather turn her dream of running her own business while pursuing her artistic love into a reality. After more than a decade dedicated to the world of mosaic art, Heather is now the proud owner of Hevins Mosaics, her own mosaic business. She conducts mosaic workshops in her hometown of Eaton, sharing her expertise and passion with her local community.
Heather said ‘This has been a rewarding experience, from beginners to advanced. I teach cutting, laying & design. My classes are small to provide maximum attention & many students have been coming for months, learning new techniques & challenges. Some students have disabilities, one in particular with MS has improved her fine motor skills & others find my environment, relaxing. This has been a rewarding sea change in my later years & the biggest reward has been helping students discover their artistic side’.

Louise’s Story
Louise’s journey with Forrest Personnel began over 21 years ago when she came to us for help to find employment. Starting off in work placement, Louise has now been a valued team member of KFC Parks Centre, Bunbury for over 20 years.
Louise really enjoys her job, working on a Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. She is responsible for cleaning the restaurant and often helps in the kitchen with the cheese slices and the potato and gravy. Louise is very well supported by her employer and all the staff at KFC Parks Centre. They often comment it is a delight to have Louise as part of the crew and they go out of their way to make her feel welcome and part of the team.
Forrest Personnel provide weekly support to Louise which also includes supporting Louise to complete safety and hygiene modules required to maintain her employment.

Louis’ Story
Meet Louis, one of Forrest Personnel’s NDIS participants.
With the support of the Forrest Personnel’s NDIS Team Louis has been exploring what is meaningful to him. Participating in work experience at Battery All Types, Bunbury, Louis has built confidence within the world of work while gaining valuable skills.
Louis thrives in environments where he has the opportunity to participant in a range of activities and during his time with Battery All Types it has been important to Louis and his team that he develop exposure to a range of duties. Routine is something that is very important to Louis, and this is reflected in his duties, where he has come to know the days of the week by the tasks he completes. Louis shared that one of his proudest moments was when Tony presented him with his ‘official’ Battery All Types shirt.
Louis’ mum, Georgia said. “Louis loves his ‘job’ at Battery All Types. He is very proud to be working like the rest of us in the family. Tony is so accommodating to him, which is really lovely, and I am so thankful that he has provided Louis with this opportunity to feel just like everyone else. His confidence has increased so much.
Louis enjoys going to work. He comes home and tells me about his day and seems very happy within himself for the tasks he undertakes while he is there. I always know when it’s the “Busso Order” day as he makes a point of letting me know each Wednesday.
Thank you all for everything you do for my boy.”
With the support of those around him Louis continues to build his independence and is gaining great sense of accomplishment and belonging within his team.

Darren’s Story
When a major shoulder injury sidelined Darren for nearly two years, he was not sure exactly how and where he would return to the workforce.
Returning to work as a qualified electrician was no longer possible and he needed a new direction – but finding employment in a new field was not straightforward.
“It is harder to find employment with a lot of employers because obviously they don’t want to take on the responsibility of injuries,” he says, “which is why I ended up approaching Forrest Personnel.”
When he began working with the Forrest Personnel team in Kwinana, he didn’t have a particular job in mind. It was a matter of identifying what transferable skills he had and highlighting those to potential employers.
“Forrest Personnel assisted me through the process of building a resume, running mock interviews and then providing an overview of each company before I went to an interview. This helped with the whole process of going
forward and building the confidence to get into a new field. They were very professional, and they were proactive, it was quite a good process really,” he says.
A great outcome resulted in Darren finding work in two new fields. He splits his time between two employers providing support to people living with disability at Focus Support Services and working on the service desk at IT company Capgemini. He’s been employed for nearly a year now.
“They were different types of work but at the end of the day the work has been very fulfilling,” he says. “I would really recommend Forrest Personnel to anyone seeking employment – they are a really good, proactive bunch of people.”

Brent’s Story
It was the end of an era at Vinnies Busselton earlier this year when Brent retired after almost 25 years working at the store. He was one of the store’s longest-serving employees, and one of Forrest Personnel’s long-term participants.
Brent lives with intellectual disability, so showing up to work as the store cleaner twice a week brought stability and friendship, not to mention a sense of purpose.
“You’ve got to have something to do, otherwise it’s no good if you’re out on the street and unemployed,” he says. “If it wasn’t for Vinnies, I’d be all over the place – they kept me good. We enjoyed each other’s company and it helps.”
For store manager Trish, Brent was an invaluable team member.
“If you asked him to do something, even if it was outside his comfort zone, he would do it,” she says. “Having Brent here provided reliability for me, the staff and the volunteers.
“The support that Forrest Personnel gave to Brent and to us was great – they made sure he was doing okay and they kept in contact with us. It’s been good all round that Forrest Personnel has kept this arrangement going.”
For Forrest Personnel Employment Consultant Chris, Brent’s retirement was bittersweet. Chris has been working with Brent and seeing him every week for the past 10 years.
“I was connected with him when I started with Forrest Personnel – so we have had a long-term relationship,” Chris says. “Brent was very dedicated to his work, he was someone you could rely on to do his best and to get on with everyone he worked with.
“He loved being able to work – a few years back he held three different jobs, but the time has come, and I am really glad that he will be able to just enjoy his retirement from now on.”

Eric’s Story
Working in a hotel was not where Eric expected to find himself. After years of working as a courier driver, he was more at home behind the wheel.
But in May 2021 he experienced a stroke, meaning he was required to give up his driver’s license. It was a big blow for Eric; not only did he have to recover his health but he also had to find new means of earning an income.
Late last year Centrelink referred him to the Forrest Personnel’s Disability Employment Service team in Rockingham, and it wasn’t too long before he was working again.
Eric is now working at the Quest Fremantle hotel, in a role that includes everything from housekeeping to maintenance. He works part-time – four hours a day, five days a week.
“I have never done this before, it’s a bit of a challenge for me – it’s good,” he says. “It was hard when I lost my license…but Forrest Personnel were really helpful, they really helped me to get back into the workforce.”
Eric’s manager Heide Lim Alania speaks very highly of Eric. “He is a real multitasker – he is amazing.
We would like to have him here all the time!” she says.“Everybody loves him – he is a good team member to have on board.”
Lauren’s Story
Lauren came to Forrest Personnel many years ago to get support finding a job.
Our support resulted in Lauren working for Alpine Laundry for 12 years. However, when the company updated components of the laundry machinery which automated some of the tasks, Lauren was left without a job.
We worked with Lauren again to support her job-hunting efforts and she worked for a short period with McDonalds. Earlier this year, she had the opportunity to become employed once again with Alpine Laundry when a suitable position came up. Forrest Personnel has a very positive relationship with Alpine Laundry and through our collaborative efforts and as Lauren was already well known and highly regarded by the Manager of the company, they were very happy to re-employ her.
Lauren’s job keeps her busy feeding wet sheets into a machine which then come out the other end completely dry and folded. She also takes turns with other employees replacing the huge linen cages with more wet sheets when required.
Working two days a week on the afternoon shift from 2-8pm is perfect for Lauren and she says she loves her job! “I’m really happy to be working with a supportive team back at Alpine Laundry,” she says.